

  • Python 2.5+
  • setuptools 0.6c9

Extra Requirement

  • SQLAlchemy 0.6+ (If you want to use Uliweb ORM you should install it)
  • pytz (Used in and ORM for timezone process)


  1. easy_install Uliweb
  2. Download Uliweb package from or get the source files from svn:

    svn checkout uliweb
  3. In uliweb installation directory, run to install it:

    python develop

    This command will install a link of the current Uliweb directory to the Python site-packages directory. , and you can find an entry in easy_install.pth. This command will also install a script named uliweb to Python/Scripts directory. Make sure that you have added the Python and Python/Scripts directories to your systems search path(adding the new path to the PATH environment). Doing this allows you to run the uliweb scripts anywhere on te commandline.

    Why not use python install? The uliweb script can't be installed correctly using this method, I will appreciate if someone can help with this issue.

1. After above steps, run uliweb command in command line and see the tutorials -- to learn how to use uliweb for web application development.