


  1. You should refer to the mod_wsgi document, and install the module for Apache.

    • Copy to apache/modules directory.

    For Windows instructions, see:

    If you are using Linux, see:

  2. Modify Apache's httpd.conf file

    • Add the code below

      LoadModule wsgi_module modules/
      WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/uliweb/wsgi_handler.wsgi
      <Directory /path/to/youruliwebproject>
      Order deny,allow
      Allow from all

      The code above assumes that the root URL is /, you can change this to suite your project, for example /myproj. Here is an example of a configuration on the Windows platform:

      WSGIScriptAlias / d:/project/svn/uliweb/wsgi_handler.wsgi
      <Directory d:/project/svn/uliweb>
      Order deny,allow
      Allow from all
  3. Restart apache
  4. Test it. Startup a web browser, and enter the URL http://localhost/YOURURL to test if eveerything went well.

Static files

Uliweb can serve static files, but you may want to use Apache or any other webserver instead because they are much faster at doing it. If you decide to let a web server serve your static files, use the exportstatic command to collect all static files from all available apps to target directory, then configure target static directory in your web servers configuration file.