Extending Uliweb

A web framework might fall short to anticipate all your development needs. Although Uliweb is no exemption in this respect, it strives to provide the most possible amount of flexibility and extensibility.

Dispatch System

Uliweb ships with a dispatch module, it's in uliweb/core folder.

Dispatch units

Uliweb provides a simple Dispatch system that consists of three units:

  • Dispatch point
  • Receiver function
  • Collection system

Dispatch points

An Dispatch point will define the place where the dispatcher want to call its associated receiver functions, and it'll pass the auguments to those receiver functions. A dispatch point will looks like:

dispatch.call(sender, topic, signal=None, *args, **kwargs)


ret = dispatch.get(sender, topic, signal=None, *args, **kwargs)

You can see there are two arguments must be passed:

  • sender It just looks like the name.
  • topic Each dispatch has an topic, so that only the receiver functions which associated with this topic will be called. So different dispatch point can send the same topic.

And the signal is optional. If this argument is not None, then only the receiver functions which the topic and the signal are all matched will be called. If the value of signal argument is None, then all receiver functions which as soon as the topic is matched will be called.

Except for above three arguments, you can also pass other arguments, and you should ensure the receiver functions must match with them.

When you run a dispatch point(It's just a common function invoding), dispatch system will find all matched receiver functions according the topic and optional signal, and call them one by one, according the order specified in definition of receiver function. Why there are two kinds of invoking functions? Because:

  • call will invoke matched receiver functions one by one, and you can't interrupt it inn the middle of the execution, and it won't return a value(or it'll just return None).
  • get will invoke just like call, but if one receiver function returns a value is not None, the execution will not continue, and return this value immediately.

So the execution of a dispatch point just like a chain, and you can use different methods to affect its execution.

There are two more functions except for call and get, they are call_once and get_onec. You can guess from their names, they could be called really only once, and if you call them more than one time, for call_once will not invoke again just returned, and get_once will only return the first returned value.

Receiver functions

It's a function will be used for processing special topic and optional signal. The signature of a receiver function will look like:

def receiver(sender, topic, *args, **kwargs)

So, receiver functions are very common.

Collection system

Collection system is used to collect all of avaible receiver functions, so that when executing a dispatch point, it can find all associated receiver functions. So there are two things you need to do after defining the receiver functions:

  1. Call dispatch.bind to receiver functions, for example:

    from uliweb.core.dispatch import bind
    def receiver():
  2. Put the code to the right place, so that uliweb can import them, and calling the bind function. When Uliweb startup, it'll try to import all start.py from every available app, so you can put the code to __init__.py or start.py of each app folder.

The signature of the bind function is:

def bind(topic, signal=None, kind=MIDDLE, nice=-1)
  • topic which you want to bind to
  • signal used to match with the dispatch point signal argument. And if the receiver function has no signal argument, this argument will be removed. On the contrary, it'll be passed to the receiver function.

    Here signal maybe a tuple or a list, so that one receiver function can match multiple signals.

  • kind There are two types of indicating the priority of a receiver function. And priority is higher(the number is lower), the execution order is in front. So 0 will highter than 100. And kind has three levels:HIGH, MIDDLE, LOW, and they are mapping to different priority number: HIGH=100, MIDDLE=500, LOW=900. And default is MIDDLE.
  • nice You should not use kind and nice at the same time. And nice is used for accurately setting the priority.

When executing a dispatch point, it'll sort all associated receiver functions according their priority. So if your receiver functions need to run in certain order, you'll need to set kind or nice argument.

Predefined dispatch points


dispatch.call(application, 'startup_installed')

Dispatcher class initialization, will only run once for class

dispatch.call(application, 'startup')

Dispatcher has already startuped, will be executed when creating every Dispatcher instance.

dispatch.call(application, 'prepare_view_env', Dispatcher.env

Used for prepare global view and template execution environment. All objects in env can be used in any view function directly.