uliweb Command Guide

uliweb is a command line tool provided by Uliweb, you can use it to do many works. When you install Uliweb from:

python setup.py develop


python setup.py install


easy_install uliweb

it'll create a script named uliweb in Python/Scripts folder. So if you want to use it directly in command line, you should setup Python installation path and Python/Scripts path to PATH environment variable. When you finish it, then you can run python and uliweb directly in command line.

uliweb tool supports many action, I'll explain them one by one below.


Startup development server.

Usage: uliweb runserver [options]


-h hostname

    Development server host name, default is ``localhost``.

-p port

    Development server host port, defalt is ``8000``.


    If automatically reload changed modules when you made some changes, default
    is ``True``.


    If automatically show debug page when there is exception throwed, default
    is ``True``.


uliweb runserver


Start developing server with admin app.

Usage: uliweb runadmin

It's very like runserver command, but the difference is it'll automatically add admin app to your project.


Create a new project directory according the given project name. If there is already a same name project exists, it'll prompt that if you want to overwrite it, you can choice 'y' or 'n'.

Usage: uliweb makeproject projectname


uliweb makeproject test


Create a new app directory structure according the given app name, it'll include initial sub-directories and files. After you created project, you should change current path to the project folder first. Say the project folder is ./test, after you created the project, there should be a apps sub-folder in ./test, so ./test/apps is the exactly apps directory. And if you execute makeapp command, it'll find the apps folder in current directory, and create app folder in apps folder. If there is no apps foder in current directory, it'll create a apps folder in current directory, then create app folder in apps folder.

Usage: uliweb makeapp appname


uliweb makeproject test
cd test
uliweb makeapp Hello

It'll create a Hello app in ./test/apps directory of test project folder, the app folder name is Hello.


Usage: uliweb makepkg pkgname

Creating a directory according Python package structure, that's including a init.py in it.


Export all files from availabe apps static directory to target directory. You can set availabe apps name in apps/settings.py via INSTALLED_APPS option, for example: INSTALLED_APPS=['Hello', 'Documents']. If you didn't set it, all folders in apps will be treated as an available app. When exporting static files, if there are some files with same name, it'll be checked if the content is the same by default, and give you some messages in the console, and skip this file. But you can disable this check of cause.

Usage: uliweb exportstatic [options] outputdir



    Output verbose information, default is not output.


    If check the same named files content, default is enabled, if found,
    it'll output some message and skip the file.


uliweb exportstatic ../uliweb_test
#Export all available apps static to ../uliweb_test directory.


I18n process tool, you can use it to extract translation catalog from python source files and template files, the translation function is _(). You can process a single app or all apps by in separately or whole project. It'll create .pot file. For app mode, the .pot file will be saved in yourproject/apps/appname/locale/lang/LC_MESSAGE/uliweb.pot. For whole project mode, the .pot file will be saved in yourproject/local/lang/LC_MESSAGE/uliweb.pot. And lang should be different according the language which you want to deal with. You can also use it to automatically merge .pot to existed .po file.

Usage: uliweb i18n [options]


-a appname

    Process a single appname, can't be used with --all, -w together.


    Process all available apps, can't be used with -a, -w together.


    Process whole project, can't be used with -a, --all together.

-l locale

    If not provided, it'll be ``en``. If Provided, it'll be used as language
    name. I suggest that you should use ``en_US`` format(language_locale).


    If automatically merge .pot with existed .po file, default is not automatically


uliweb i18n -a appname -l zh #Single app process
uliweb i18n --all -l zh      #All of available apps process
uliweb i18n -w               #Whole apps process, and using default locale ``en``.


Extract URL definition from each view modules, so you should define URL via expose() first. It'll output the urls to apps/urls.py file. And if there is apps/urls.py, Uliweb will automatically import it then disable expose().

Usage: uliweb extracturls

If there is already a urls.py file in apps directory, it'll prompte you to confirm you want to overwrite it.


Usage: uliweb call name

Executing all .py from every installed App.