
It seems that every web framework has a template system. Uliweb also has one. The Template of Uliweb comes from web2py project originally. But I've changed it a lot. So many places are same as web2py. Ok, let's see how to use template in Uliweb.


  • Very simple and easy to learn and use
  • You can embed Python code in template
  • Don't have to care about the indentation of Python code, just remember adding pass after the block is over, template will automatically reindent it
  • Python code and HTML code can be mixed
  • Support Template multiple layers inherit
  • Provide some builtin functions
  • Can inject new functions or variables to template runtime environ variable
  • Template will be compiled to Python code then run


There is only one tag mark of template, that is {{}}. And there are different tags according the first word of the tag text. The first word of tag content can be treated as the name of the tag, and if the name is not a reserved tag name, the content will be treated as common Python code.

Reserved Tag Syntax

{{extend parent_template_file}}

extend is used to derive a parent template.

parent_template_file is the template filename, it can be a string or a variable. So these are all valid usages:

{{extend "base.html"}}
{{extend parent}}

For the second one, the parent can be passed from the outside or be calculated from template.

{{include template_file}}

include is used to inclulde other template into current one.

template_file is the template filename, it can be a string or a variable just like extend usage.


= is used to output HTML escaped value. So if there are something like: &, <, etc will be escaped to HTML entity. variable can be a real Python variable, value, function call or anything can return a value. So these are all valid usages:

{{= 123}}
{{= a}}  #here a should be define in other place or pass from outside
{{= function(arg)}}
{{= obj}    #obj can be cast to a string

If you don't want to escape the output, you can use {{<<}} , just like this:

{{<< v}}
{{block name}}...{{end}}

block will define a block, and child template can replace it if there is a same name block definition, it'll replace the previous one. So you can define some blocks in parent template, and change the content of it in child template when you want.

  • Uliweb template supports multiple block inherit, that means you can define multiple blocks in parent template, and redefine one or any number blocks you want to replace in child template.
  • Block can be nested. So you can define a block in a block, even in child template. Only the latest defined block will be used for a same name block.

2.2\ \ \ Embeding Python Code

You can easily embed Python code between {{ and }}, just like this:

{{ import os }}

You can use almost all Python code in template, but I suggest that just keep simple and relationship with representation code in template, otherwise your template will become bloated and difficult to maintain.

If you want to use Python block statement, just like: if, def, while, etc, you should add pass when the block is over. For example:

{{if user=='admin':}}
    <a href="/login">Login</a>

The last {{pass}} is very important. These are some points:

  • Just common Python code, so don't forget the last :
  • After block is over or when you want to unindent, just add pass
  • Python code can mix with HTML code, and all HTML code between Python code will be directly outputed.
  • Don't need to care about the indent, Uliweb template will automaticall reindent it according the block and pass.

More examples:

{{ if user=='admin':
    out.write('<p>Welcome</p>', escape=False)
    out.write('<a href="/login">Login</a>', escape=False)

This will get the same result as above. Here out is also a built object you can use directly.

2.3\ \ \ Builtin Objects

There are several builtin objects you can use directly list below:

* out -- It's a object, Uliweb template use it to output the template buffer. If you want to output unescape content you can use: out.write(v, escape=False) or out.noescape(v), the results are the same.

3\ \ \ How to use it standalone

Uliweb template module is just a single file module, you can use it in your project if you want. You can simple import it. For example:

>>> import template
>>> print template.template("Hello, {{=name}}", {'name':'Uliweb'})
Hello, Uliweb

It provides several functions:

  • template(text, vars=None, env=None, dirs=None, default_template=None)

    is the template string you want to process.
    is a dict data type, it's the variables you want to use in template
    is also a dict data type, template will be executed under this environment.
    is the directories list, Uliweb will find the real template file path

    according this list when it needed. If you don't pass this parameter, the defult value will be [.], it means current directory.

    will be also used in searching template file, if it's been set, if it can't

    find the extend template or include template, this value will be used.

    This function will return a string value, which is the result of template executing.

  • template_file(filename, vars=None, env=None, dirs=None, default_template=None) Most parameters' meaning of this function are the same as template(). The only different is the first parameter is filename. It's a template filename. So this function is mainly used to process template file but not string.
  • render_text(text, vars=None, env=None, dirs=None, default_template=None) All the parameters' meaning are the same as template(). This function will return the translated Python code.
  • render_file(filename, vars=None, env=None, dirs=None, default_template=None, use_temp=False)

    if set to True, then Uliweb template will store the translated Python code

    to a temporary file, and if you render the same template file again, and if you haven't change the original template file after last render time, Uliweb template will use the temporary file instead, but not the real template file and rerenders it again. So this will speed the process.

    Other parameters' meaning of this function are the same as template() and template_file.

  • use_tempdir(dir=None) By default, Uliweb template will not automatically storing trnaslated Python code to temporary directory. So if you want to use this feature, you should call this function first. dir will be the temporary directory, if not set, default directory will be tmp/templates_temp. So if you use this feature, make sure you have the write permission of temporary directory.

4\ \ \ How to use template in Uliweb

There are several ways to use template.

4.1\ \ \ Automatically Mapping

When you developing a view function, if the return value is a dict data type, Uliweb will automatically find a matched template and use the returned value to render it. By default, the matched template filename will be the view function name pluses '.html'. For example, if the view function is index the template filename will be index.html.

4.2\ \ \ Providing in response

You can also provide a template filename in response object, just like this:

response.template = 'another.html'

So this will make Uliweb use the another.thml as the template filename.

4.3\ \ \ Dealing it yourself

You can also use any template system in view function. Juse use them and get the result, then return it. If the return value is not a dict data type, Uliweb will wrap it to a Response object. And in Uliweb view functions, you can use application.template to access the template, for example:

def some_view_func():
    response.write(application.template('show_document.html', locals()))
    return response